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Quebec Permanent Immigration Pilot Programs

Quebec Permanent Immigration Pilot Programs

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Quebec Permanent Immigration Pilot Programs: To help fill important job openings in a number of important industries, Quebec has started new immigration pilot programs for those who work in the food industry, orderlies and technology workers.

The pilot programs in Quebec were made to help the state find the workers it needs in a number of areas where there aren’t enough workers right now. Under each of the three test programs, The Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI) plans to give Quebec Selection Certificates (QSC) to up to 600 main applicants and their families every year.

November 2023 to January 1, 2026, all three pilot projects will be in into effect.

Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Workers in Food Processing

This pilot program provides temporary foreign workers who hold jobs that qualify in the food processing industry with a pathway to permanent immigration.

From November 23, 2023, to December 31, 2024, or until the maximum number of applications is received, people can send in their applications.

General Requirements

  • You must be at least 18 years old and plan to stay in Quebec to work.
  • Have met the requirements to stay in Quebec; 
  • Be able to show that you will be able to pay your own expenses for at least three months after you arrive in Quebec.

Education Requirement

  • Possess a diploma equivalent to a minimum of a high school diploma or a Quebec vocational diploma while enrolled in a full-time academic program for a minimum of one year.

Work Experience Requirement

  • Have a full-time job in Quebec in a qualified field; or
  • Have had a full-time, paid job in Quebec in an eligible sector for at least 24 months in the 36 months before applying. 

The job or work experience must have been in one of two eligible sectors according to the Government of Canada’s North American Industry Classification System (NAICS):

  • Food manufacturing (NAICS 311); 
  • Beverage manufacturing (NAICS 3121); 

Requirements for Language

  • Show that you can speak French at a level 7 (advanced intermediate) on the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes, or equivalent.

Targeted Occupational 

Under the National Occupational Classification (NOC), the work experience or present job must be related to one of the following jobs:

  • NOC 94141 – Industrial Butchers and Meat Cutters, Poultry Preparers and Related Workers;
  • NOC 95106 – Labourers in Food and Beverage Processing;
  • NOC 95107 – Labourers in Fish and Seafood Processing;
  • NOC 65311 – Specialty Cleaners;
  • NOC 94140 – Machine and Process Operators in Food and Beverage Processing;
  • NOC 85100 – Labourers in the care of livestock, but only the job title chicken gatherer;
  • NOC 94142 – Workers in fish and seafood processing plants.

According to the Government of Canada’s North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), your work experience and/or present position must also be in one of these sectors: 

  • NAICS 311 – Food manufacturing or 
  • NAICS 3121 – Beverage manufacturing.

Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Orderlies

People who already live in Quebec and work as orderlies, nurses’ aides, or patient service associates can get permanent resident status in Canada through this test program. This program is split into two parts, which are:

  • Work
  • Study and work

From November 23, 2023, to December 31, 2024, or until the maximum number of applications is received, people can send in their applications.

General Requirements for Both Streams,

  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • Plan to stay in Quebec and work for a company over which you have no direct or indirect legal or de facto control; 
  • Have met the requirements to stay in Quebec; 
  • Can show that they will be able to pay their own expenses for at least three months after they arrive in Quebec.
  • Show that you can speak French of level 7 on the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes, or equivalent. 

Work Stream – Specific Conditions

Education Requirements

  • Have a diploma related to the job of orderly that you got after finishing a full-time program of study for at least a year. 
  • The diploma must be the same as a Quebec diploma of vocational studies (DEP).

The Work Experience Requirement

  • At least 24 months of eligible work experience as an orderly in Quebec in the 36 months before the application date; or 
  • At least 12 months of work experience in a health-related job related to basic personal care outside of Quebec and at least 12 months of work experience as an orderly in Quebec in the 36 months before the application date. The work experience must have been legally obtained, paid, and full-time.

Targeted Occupations

You must have worked in a job that matches the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) code:

  • NOC 33102 – Nurse aide, orderly and patient service associate.

The work experience could also have been gained outside of Québec in a different job than the one listed above; however, it must match one of the following NOC codes:

  • NOC 31300 – Nursing coordinator and supervisor;
  • NOC 31301 – Registered nurse and registered psychiatric nurse;
  • NOC 31302 – Nurse Practitioners;
  • NOC 32101 – Licensed practical nurses.

Work-Study Stream- Specific Conditions

The Education Requirement

  • Must have earned a Quebec Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVE) that allows them to work in a qualifying orderly job within the last 24 months before applying;
  • People who want to join the work-study program must have finished the Institutional and Home Care Assistance Program and have a secondary diploma in professional studies.

The Work Experience Requirement

  • Have at least 12 months of work experience as an orderly in Quebec, which must be earned between the application date and the end of the study program;
  • Work experience must have been properly gained, full-time, paid work;
  • Applicants must be hired by a Quebec company and get a work permit after they finish their program of study.

Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Workers in the Artificial Intelligence, Information Technologies and Visual Effects Sectors

The goal of this pilot program for permanent immigration is to bring in and keep international tech workers and Quebec AI graduates, as well as people from other countries who work in the tech field in Quebec or have a job offer from a Quebec employer.

The program is divided into two streams:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Information technology and Visual Effects (IT/VE)

300 graduates and casual workers from Quebec will be chosen for this program to work in AI, and 300 foreign workers will be chosen to work in IT/VE.

From November 23, 2023, to December 31, 2024, or until the maximum number of applications is received, people can send in their applications.

General Requirements for Both Streams 

  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • You plan to live and work in Quebec for a company over which you have no direct or indirect formal or de facto control; You have met the requirements to stay in Quebec, if any;
  • Show proof that you can pay your own expenses for at least three months after moving to Quebec.

Language Requirements for Both Streams

  • There is a French-speaker profile and a non-French-speaker (Francization) profile for each stream in this program.
  • People who meet the requirements for the French-speaker profile must show that they can say and understand French at a level equivalent to or higher than level 7 on the Quebec French Competency Levels for Adult Immigrants, or something similar.
  • People who qualify under the “Non French-Speaker” profile will be put into a free, individualized program called “Accompagnement Québec” right away. This program is meant to help people become part of Quebec culture and learn French.

Artificial Intelligence Stream – Specific Conditions

Foreign Workers

Work Experience Requirement and Education for Foreign Workers

  • If you have a diploma that is equal to a bachelor’s degree in Quebec and have worked full-time for at least one year in a level 0, A, or B job in the five years before your application, you maybe eligible.
  • Have earned a diploma that is equal to a Quebec master’s degree or PhD within the past year and have a job offer or hold one in the AI field in Quebec. If the employer is not in the Metropolitan Montréal Community, the gross yearly salary for the job must be at least $75,000. If the employer is in the Metropolitan Montréal Community, it must be at least $100,000.

Quebec Graduates

Education and Work Experience Requirements

  • Hold or have accepted a full-time job in the AI sector in Québec;
  • Have a higher specialized studies (DESS) diploma, a master’s degree, or a PhD from a Quebec educational institution issued within the last 24 months;
  • Have lived in Quebec as a student for at least six months after finishing their studies; 
  • Have a higher specialized studies (DESS) diploma, a master’s degree, or a PhD.

Information Technology and Visual Effects Stream – Specific Conditions

The Education Requirement

  • You must have a diploma that is the same as a Québec college diploma or a bachelor’s degree from a university in Québec.

The Work Experience Requirement

  • Hold a full-time job that qualifies for benefits for at least two years; and 
  • Have or agree to take a full-time job that qualifies for benefits that pays at least the highest wage for your job, as listed on the Emploi-Québec website.

Targeted Job Titles

You must have worked in or been employed in one of the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) jobs: 

  • NOC 0213 – Computer and information systems manager
  • NOC 2133 – Electrical and electronics engineer
  • NOC 2171 – Information systems analyst and consultant
  • NOC 2173 – Software engineer and designer
  • NOC 2174 – Computer programmer and interactive media developer
  • NOC 2241 – Electrical and electronics engineering technologist and technician
  • NOC 2281 – Computer network technician
  • NOC 5131 – Producer, director, choreographer and related occupations, 
  • NOC 5225 – Audio and video recording technician
  • NOC 5241 – Graphic designer and illustrator

How to Apply for Pilot Programs in Quebec

If you want to move to Québec through one of the three pilot programs for permanent immigration, you must apply on Arrima, Qc’s online immigration site.

There are two steps to applying for permanent residence in Canada through Quebec programs. To get a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ), people must first fill out an application and send it to the Quebec government. Applicants can send a request for permanent residence to the federal government once they have the CSQ.


  1. Quebec has introduced Permanent Immigration Pilot Programs targeting labor shortages.
  2. These pilot programs aim to issue up to 600 Quebec Selection Certificates (QSC) annually. 
  3. Application date is from November 2023 to January 1, 2026.
  4. The Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Food Processing runs from November 23, 2023, to December 31, 2024.
  5. General requirements are the same for all three streams.
  6. Language proficiency at a level 7 (advanced intermediate) in French is necessary.
  7. The Orderlies Permanent Immigration Pilot Program, split into Work and Work-Study streams.
  8. The Artificial Intelligence, Information Technologies, and Visual Effects Sectors pilot program, divided into AI and IT/VE streams.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Quebec Permanent Immigration Pilot Programs:

Q1: What are the main industries targeted by Quebec’s Permanent Immigration Pilot Programs?

A: The pilot programs focus on addressing labor shortages in the food industry, healthcare orderlies, and technology workers, specifically in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Information Technologies, and Visual Effects.

Q2: How many applicants and their families will be granted Quebec Selection Certificates (QSC) annually under these pilot programs?

A: Each of the three pilot programs plans to issue Quebec Selection Certificates (QSC) to up to 600 main applicants and their families every year from November 2023 to January 1, 2026.

Q3: What is the duration of the Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Workers in Food Processing?

A: The program is effective from November 23, 2023, to December 31, 2024, or until the maximum number of applications is received.

Q4: What are the general requirements for applicants in the Food Processing pilot program?

A: Applicants must be at least 18 years old, plan to stay in Quebec to work, meet Quebec’s stay requirements, and demonstrate the ability to cover their expenses for at least three months. Additionally, they need to have relevant education and work experience in specific sectors.

Q5: How can applicants prove their language proficiency for the Food Processing program?

A: Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in French at a level 7 (advanced intermediate) on the Échelle québécoise des niveaux de compétence en français des personnes immigrantes adultes or equivalent.

Q6: What are the specific conditions for the Orderlies Permanent Immigration Pilot Program?

A: The program has two streams: Work and Work-Study. General requirements include being at least 18 years old, planning to stay in Quebec, and demonstrating the ability to cover expenses for at least three months.

Q7: What is the education requirement for the Work Stream of the Orderlies program?

A: Applicants must have a diploma related to the job of orderly obtained after finishing a full-time program of study for at least a year, equivalent to a Quebec Diploma of Vocational Studies (DEP).

Q8: How can applicants qualify for the Work-Study Stream in the Orderlies program?

A: They must have earned a Quebec Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVE), finished the Institutional and Home Care Assistance Program, and possess a secondary diploma in professional studies.

Q9: What are the streams under the Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Workers in the Artificial Intelligence, Information Technologies, and Visual Effects Sectors?

A: The program is divided into two streams: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Technology and Visual Effects (IT/VE).

Q10: How can applicants demonstrate language proficiency for the AI and IT/VE streams?

A: Language requirements include a French-speaker profile and a non-French-speaker (Francization) profile. Proficiency equivalent to or higher than level 7 on the Quebec French Competency Levels for Adult Immigrants is required for the French-speaker profile.

Q11: What are the eligibility criteria for the Artificial Intelligence Stream in terms of work experience and education for foreign workers and Quebec graduates?

A: Foreign workers must have a diploma equivalent to a Quebec bachelor’s degree and at least one year of full-time work experience in a relevant job. Quebec graduates must have a DESS, master’s degree, or PhD from a Quebec educational institution, and a job offer in the AI sector in Quebec.

Q12: How can individuals apply for these pilot programs in Quebec?

A: Applicants must apply on Arrima, Quebec’s online immigration site. The application process involves obtaining a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) from the Quebec government, followed by a request for permanent residence to the federal government.

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