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How Can I Get My Private Student Loans Forgiven

How Can I Get My Private Student Loans Forgiven?

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How Can I Get My Private Student Loans Forgiven: Not many private companies cancel student loans, and the government isn’t likely to change that. When it comes to government loans, there are a lot of ways to get them forgiven, such as doing public service work or going to certain schools. 

But when it comes to private lenders, loan forgiveness is usually only possible in cases of disability or death, and even then, cosigners may still have to pay.

People with private student loans have not yet been given the same kind of forgiveness that has been suggested for people with government student loans. Private student loans are not affected by new federal relief measures, such as those from the Biden administration. 

This could be significantly disappointing since lenders like Sallie Mae, SoFi, Discover, and others aren’t changing how they forgive loans or generally lower interest rates.

But this doesn’t mean you can’t get out of your cash problems. You can still look into a number of options that may help you get out of debt and make it easier to handle. Let’s talk about your choices and more. I’ll tell you what I’ve learned as a student loan lawyer for ten years.

Alternative Relief Options for Private Loans

There aren’t many official programs that forgive private loans, but borrowers can still get help in a number of ways.

State-Sponsored Assistance:  Some states help people in specific fields, like healthcare and law, pay back their loans through programs run by those states. Criteria for eligibility vary by state and job.

Refinancing Options: People with good credit can get lower interest rates by refinancing. A lot of lenders give you the choice between set and variable interest rates. Check out our guide on how to refinance your student loans for more information.

Negotiating a Settlement: Some private lenders may be willing to talk about a settlement if you haven’t paid back your loan. Settlements for student loans can have different terms, but they usually cover between 40 and 70% of the current loan balance. This amount can be paid all at once or over time.

Using 529 Plan Funds: Federal law lets you use the money left in a 529 college savings plan to pay off up to $10,000 in approved student loans. Also, these funds can be given to a recipient or their child.

Disability and Death Waivers: Some lenders will forgive the loan if the main user becomes permanently disabled or dies. But sometimes, cosigners can still be held responsible.

Bankruptcy Discharge: Getting rid of private student loans through bankruptcy can be hard, but it is possible. To do this, you need to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy and then go through an adversary process to show that it would be too hard to pay.

Managing Private Student Loan Debt: What Are Your Options?

Getting rid of private student loans is not usually possible, but there are ways to make the payments easier.

Redirect Payments from Federal Loans

If you have both federal and private loans, you should put off or lower your payments on your federal loans and use the extra money to pay off your private loans. 

This method works well for two reasons: Most of the time, private loans have higher interest rates and fewer flexible payment plans. This will increase your federal loan amount because interest is being added, but after making 240 qualifying payments, the federal repayment plan will forgive your loan.

Consider Refinancing

If you have government loans with high-interest rates, like Parent PLUS Loans, refinancing may be a good idea. You’ll need good credit and a lot of money coming in to get the best rates. You can review loan terms from different lenders on sites like Credible.

If you move a government loan to a private lender, it will no longer be eligible for the Public Service Loan: forgiveness and payment plans based on income.

Explore Lender-Specific Repayment Plans

A lot of private loan servicers offer short-term solutions like interest-only payments, deferments, or forbearances. You can usually get a deferment if you go back to school or join the military. You can also get a waiver if you are having a hard time financially, like when you lose your job or have a medical emergency.

You can lower your monthly bill in other ways. Get in touch with the company that handles your student loans to determine your choices.

Why Private Loans Rarely Offer Forgiveness

Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions mostly give out private student loans. They are in business to make money. They check to see if borrowers are creditworthy and change interest rates to lower risk. Because they are so focused on making money, they rarely forgive loans.

Contrast this with Federal Objectives

The federal government has to follow different rules. Its job isn’t just to make sure that loans are paid back; it’s also to ensure everyone can attend college. This is clear from programs like Pell Grants and the fact that anyone can get a government loan, even if they have bad credit.

Incentives for Public Service

The government also wants to get skilled people to work in important fields like healthcare, education, and legal services in places without enough. In order to do this, it provides a range of income-based payment plans and specific loan forgiveness programs, such as Teacher Loan Forgiveness and Public Service Loan Forgiveness.

Watch out for scams.

As aid programs tied to the pandemic wind down, scams aimed at people with federal student loans are becoming more common. Be wary of promises that you can get your loan forgiven right away through programs that don’t exist, like “Biden Loan Forgiveness” or “CARES Act Loan Forgiveness.”

The Department of Education has made changes that don’t affect private loans, but they have made it easier for some groups to get their loans cancelled. If someone asks for your personal information or money to cancel your loan, it’s probably a scam.

You should call the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau if someone tries to trick you. The CFPB can help keep you and other people safe by shutting down con artists who want to take advantage of all the talk about cancelled student loans.

In the end, There are several ways to handle your private student loan debt. Our team helps people with both government and private loans, so if you need professional help, look no further.

For some people, that means working with lenders to get a lower monthly payment on their student loans. Sometimes it means looking into different ways to forgive. Still, other times, it means working out a deal or looking into bankruptcy as a way out.


  1. Private student loans are rarely forgiven.
  2. Limited options such as disability, death waivers, and potential cosigner responsibility.
  3. Government relief measures do not impact private loans, but alternative options include state-sponsored assistance, refinancing, and negotiating settlements.
  4. 529 Plan funds can be used to pay up to $10,000 in approved private student loans.
  5. Bankruptcy discharge is a challenging but possible route for eliminating private student loans.
  6. Managing private loan debt involves strategies.
  7. Private lenders seldom offer forgiveness due to profit-oriented objectives.
  8. Beware of scams, especially those claiming immediate loan forgiveness through non-existent programs.


1. Can I get my private student loans forgiven like government loans?

Private student loans typically have limited forgiveness options, primarily in cases of disability or death. Government loan forgiveness programs don’t apply to private loans.

2. Are there state programs that help with private student loan repayment?

Some states offer assistance programs, particularly in fields like healthcare and law. Eligibility criteria vary by state and profession.

3. Can I refinance my private student loans to lower interest rates?

Refinancing is an option for those with good credit, offering the potential for lower interest rates. Borrowers can choose between fixed and variable rates.

4. Is negotiating a settlement possible for private student loans?

Some private lenders may negotiate settlements, covering a percentage of the current loan balance. Terms vary, and settlements may be paid in a lump sum or over time.

5. Can I use funds from a 529 Plan to pay off private student loans?

Federal law allows the use of remaining funds in a 529 college savings plan to pay off up to $10,000 in approved student loans for the account holder or their child.

6. What options exist for managing private student loan debt?

Strategies include redirecting payments from federal loans, refinancing high-interest government loans, and exploring lender-specific repayment plans to ease the burden.

7. Why do private loans rarely offer forgiveness compared to federal loans?

Private lenders, focused on profitability, are less inclined to forgive loans. In contrast, the federal government aims to ensure access to education and offers forgiveness programs for public service.

8. How can I identify and avoid student loan forgiveness scams?

Be cautious of promises for immediate loan forgiveness through non-existent programs like “Biden Loan Forgiveness.” Report suspicious activities to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to protect yourself and others.

9. Can bankruptcy discharge private student loans?

Discharging private student loans through bankruptcy is challenging but possible. Filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 and navigating an adversary process is required.

10. Should I seek professional help for private student loan issues?

Seeking professional assistance, such as from a student loan lawyer, may be beneficial for negotiating with lenders, exploring forgiveness options, or managing financial challenges related to both government and private loans.

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