Celpip Writing an Email Sample 378

 You moved to a new city.

You recently moved to a new city. Your friend has been living here for some time. Write an email to your friend. In your Email Explain:

  • When and Why you moved.
  • The problems you are facing in a new place.
  • Ask him for information about the place.

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Dear Sally,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to share some exciting news with you—I recently moved to your city and am eager to start this new chapter in my life. As someone who has been living here for some time, I was hoping you could lend me a helping hand in navigating the challenges of settling into a new place.

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I moved here last month for a job opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. While I’m thrilled about this new adventure, I’m facing a few hurdles in acclimating to the city.

I’m unfamiliar with the neighbourhoods, transportation options, and finding essential services like grocery stores, healthcare facilities, and recreational areas. I feel a bit overwhelmed and lost.

Considering your experience, I kindly request your guidance and assistance. It would be immensely helpful if you could provide information on the best neighbourhoods, public transportation routes, reliable local services, and any hidden gems or places of interest that I should explore.

Thank you for your friendship and support. I believe your assistance will greatly enhance my transition and help me feel more at home in our new city. I look forward to reconnecting and exploring together.

Warm regards,

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