Celpip Writing an Email Sample 431

Email Title: Exploring Options for a Weekend Getaway

  • Expressing a desire to plan a weekend getaway to a nearby destination.
  • Inquiring about accommodation options, availability, and pricing in the selected area.
  • Requesting information on nearby tourist attractions and any special deals for weekend visitors.

Subject: Seeking a Memorable Weekend Getaway

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Greetings Mr Morris,

I trust this message finds you well. I’m eager to plan a weekend getaway to a nearby destination and would greatly appreciate your assistance in making it a memorable experience.

Firstly, I’d like to inquire about accommodation options in the chosen area. Could you provide details on availability, pricing, and any unique features that make them stand out?

In addition, I’m interested in learning about the nearby tourist attractions and activities. Exploring the local culture and scenery is an important part of our plan, and recommendations from locals like yourself are invaluable.

If there are any special deals or offers for weekend visitors in the area, I would love to take advantage of them.

Your insights and information will play a pivotal role in shaping our weekend getaway. Thank you for your assistance in making this trip a fantastic one.

Best regards,



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