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Test Formats of the new language tests approved by IRCC for student visa applications

Test Formats of the new language tests approved by IRCC

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Test Formats of the new language tests approved by IRCC: IRCC has approved four new English language proficiency tests for students who wants to gain the international education exposure in Canada. These tests includes TOEFL iBT Test, CELPIP General Test, PTE Academic and CAEL. It will help the students as they will have more alternatives for the language proficiency tests. In this article we will discuss the test format for each of these tests. 

TOEFL iBT Test Format

In the world of English language proficiency tests, the TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based Test) holds a prominent position. As an international student or a non-native English speaker, you might be familiar with the TOEFL iBT and its significance for academic and professional pursuits. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the TOEFL iBT test format for each section, equipping you with the knowledge needed to excel in this examination. 

Reading Section

The reading section of the TOEFL iBT assesses your ability to comprehend and analyze academic texts. It consists of multiple passages followed by a series of questions that test your reading skills. The key features of this section include:

Time Allocation

You will be given 60-80 minutes to complete the reading section. The number of passages can vary, typically ranging from 3 to 5.

Passage Types

The passages in the reading section cover a wide range of subjects, including social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Each passage is approximately 700 words long and is accompanied by 10-14 questions.

Question Types

The question types in the reading section include multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, and summary completion. Some questions require you to identify main ideas, infer information, or understand vocabulary in context.

Listening Section

The listening section evaluates your ability to comprehend spoken English in academic settings. It consists of audio recordings, lectures, and conversations, followed by questions that test your listening skills. Let’s explore the key aspects of this section:

Time Allocation

You will have approximately 60-90 minutes to complete the listening section, including the time needed for listening to the audio recordings and answering the questions.

Audio Sources

The audio sources in this section include university lectures, classroom discussions, and conversations between students and instructors. They simulate real-life academic situations, ensuring that you are prepared for English-speaking environments.

Question Types

The question types in the listening section range from multiple-choice to matching, short answer, and chart completion. You will need to pay close attention to the details and main ideas conveyed in the audio recordings.

Speaking Section

The speaking section of the TOEFL iBT measures your ability to express yourself verbally in English. It assesses your pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, and coherence. Let’s delve into the specifics of this section:

Time Allocation

The speaking section comprises 4 tasks, and you will have approximately 17 minutes to complete them.

Task Types

Task 1: Independent Speaking – You will be asked to share your opinion on a familiar topic.

Task 2: Integrated Speaking – You will need to summarize information from a reading passage and a lecture.

Task 3: Integrated Speaking – You will be required to summarize information from a lecture.

Task 4: Integrated Speaking – You will engage in a conversation on an academic topic.

Evaluation Criteria

The speaking section is evaluated based on your ability to express ideas clearly, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and effectively communicate your thoughts. Pronunciation and coherence are also important aspects that are considered during the evaluation process.

Writing Section

The writing section assesses your ability to write coherent and well-structured essays in English. It comprises two tasks, each with its own unique requirements. Let’s explore the key components of this section:

Time Allocation

You will have 50 minutes to complete the writing section, with approximately 20 minutes allocated to Task 1 and 30 minutes to Task 2.

Task Types

Task 1: Integrated Writing – You will need to read a passage and listen to a lecture, and then write a summary that compares and contrasts the two sources.

Task 2: Independent Writing – You will be given a specific topic and asked to express your opinion or provide an argument supported by examples and evidence.

Evaluation Criteria

The writing section is evaluated based on various factors, including the development of ideas, organization, coherence, language use, and overall essay structure. It is essential to showcase your ability to convey your thoughts effectively through writing.

PTE Academic Test Format 

If you’re planning to take the PTE Academic exam, it’s crucial to understand the test structure and the specific requirements of each section. In this article, we will provide you with a detailed overview of the PTE Academic test format for each section, enabling you to approach the exam confidently and perform at your best. So, let’s dive in!

Section 1: Speaking and Writing

Part 1: Personal Introduction

The Speaking and Writing section begins with a personal introduction. You will be given an opportunity to introduce yourself in a brief manner. This section aims to assess your speaking skills, including pronunciation, fluency, and coherence. Be concise and ensure that you cover the key points about yourself.

Part 2: Read Aloud

In this task, you will be presented with a short text on the screen. Your task is to read the text aloud, demonstrating your ability to pronounce words correctly and use appropriate intonation and stress. Pay attention to punctuation and try to maintain a natural flow while reading.

Part 3: Repeat Sentence

Here, you will hear a sentence that you need to repeat accurately. This task assesses your listening and speaking skills. Focus on reproducing the sentence with correct pronunciation, stress, and intonation. Take care to capture the essence of the original sentence.

Part 4: Describe Image

You will be shown an image, such as a graph, chart, or diagram, and will have to describe it in detail. This task evaluates your ability to interpret and convey information accurately. Take note of key features, trends, and comparisons. Use appropriate vocabulary and descriptive language to effectively communicate your observations.

Part 5: Retell Lecture

In this task, you will listen to a short lecture or talk and then retell the main points in your own words. Pay attention to the speaker’s emphasis and supporting details. Practice active listening to capture the essential information. Structure your response logically, highlighting the key ideas.

Part 6: Answer Short Questions

A series of short questions will be played, and you need to provide brief answers. This section assesses your ability to comprehend spoken English and respond concisely. Listen carefully to each question and respond promptly with the correct answer.

Part 7: Summarize Written Text

You will be given a passage of text, and your task is to write a summary of it. This task evaluates your reading and writing skills. Read the text thoroughly, identify the main ideas, and express them in your own words. Focus on conveying the key points concisely while maintaining coherence and cohesion.

Part 8: Essay Writing

The final task in the Speaking and Writing section is essay writing. You will be presented with a prompt or topic, and you need to write a well-structured essay. Organize your thoughts, develop a clear argument, and support it with relevant examples and evidence. Pay attention to grammar, vocabulary, and overall coherence of your essay.

Section 2: Reading

Part 1: Multiple-Choice, Choose Single Answer

In this part, you will read a passage and answer a multiple-choice question by selecting the most appropriate answer. Read the passage carefully, paying attention to details and the context. Analyze the options and choose the one that best aligns with the information provided in the passage.

Part 2: Multiple-Choice, Choose Multiple Answers

Similar to Part 1, you will read a passage, but this time, you need to select multiple correct answers. Be cautious and evaluate each option against the information in the passage. Select all the answers that are supported by the text, ensuring you consider any negations or exceptions mentioned.

Part 3: Reorder Paragraphs

In this task, you will be presented with a jumbled set of paragraphs. Your goal is to arrange them in the correct order to form a coherent and logical passage. Pay attention to transitional words, topic sentences, and the flow of ideas. Read each paragraph carefully and consider its position in the overall text.

Part 4: Reading Fill in the Blanks

Here, you will encounter a text with several gaps that need to be filled. You will be provided with a list of words, and you must choose the most appropriate word for each gap. Read the text carefully to understand the context and meaning. Look for clues and use your vocabulary knowledge to select the correct words.

Part 5: Multiple-Choice, Choose Single Answer (Reading & Writing Fill in the Blanks)

This task combines reading and writing skills. You will read a passage with several gaps and answer multiple-choice questions to complete the text. Carefully analyze the context and select the most suitable option for each gap. Consider grammar, vocabulary, and overall coherence when making your choices.

Section 3: Listening

Part 1: Summarize Spoken Text

You will listen to a short audio recording and then summarize it in writing. Pay attention to the main ideas, supporting details, and the speaker’s tone. Organize your response effectively, ensuring coherence and clarity. Use your note-taking skills to capture key points while listening.

Part 2: Multiple-Choice, Choose Multiple Answers

In this task, you will listen to an audio clip and answer multiple-choice questions. You need to select all the correct answers based on the information provided in the recording. Focus on listening carefully, as the options may contain similar-sounding choices.

Part 3: Fill in the Blanks

You will hear an audio recording with several gaps, and you need to fill them with the appropriate words. Listen attentively to the recording, considering the context and meaning. Anticipate the missing words and use your vocabulary and grammatical knowledge to complete the gaps accurately.

Part 4: Highlight Correct Summary

In this task, you will listen to an audio recording and select the summary that best captures the main ideas. Listen actively, taking note of the key points and the speaker’s emphasis. Analyze the options and choose the summary that aligns most closely with the content of the recording.

Part 5: Multiple-Choice, Choose Single Answer

Similar to Part 4, you will listen to a longer audio recording and answer multiple-choice questions. Choose the best option based on the information provided in the recording. Pay attention to details, examples, and any specific points mentioned.

Part 6: Select Missing Word

In this task, you will listen to a recording with a missing word. You need to select the most appropriate word from a list of options to complete the sentence. Listen attentively, consider the context, and predict the missing word before making your selection.

Part 7: Highlight Incorrect Words

You will hear a recording, and some words in the transcription will be different from what you hear. Your task is to identify and highlight those words. Develop attentive listening skills and focus on catching the discrepancies between the spoken and written words.

Part 8: Write from Dictation

In the final task of the Listening section, you will hear a sentence, and you need to type it accurately. Listen carefully to the sentence, paying attention to word choice, grammar, and any additional information provided. Transcribe the sentence as precisely as possible.

CELPIP General Test Format 

The CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program) General Test is a popular English language proficiency exam used for immigration, employment, and educational purposes in Canada. Whether you are planning to take the test or simply interested in understanding its structure, you can visit for exploring all about the test. 

Section 1: Listening

The Listening section of the CELPIP General Test assesses your ability to comprehend spoken English in various real-life situations. This section consists of approximately 40-45 minutes and is divided into eight parts. Each part includes different question types such as multiple-choice, short answer, and completing sentences.

Part 1: Listening to Problem Solving

In this part, you will listen to short dialogues or monologues where individuals discuss everyday problems. You will then answer multiple-choice questions related to the conversations.

Part 2: Listening to Daily Life Conversations

Here, you will listen to conversations related to daily life situations such as making plans, giving advice, or discussing preferences. Multiple-choice questions and short answer questions will gauge your comprehension.

Part 3: Listening to News

You will listen to news reports or announcements and answer multiple-choice questions based on the information provided.

Part 4: Listening to a Discussion

This part involves listening to a conversation between two or more people discussing a specific topic. Multiple-choice questions will test your understanding of the dialogue.

Part 5: Listening to a Conversation

Similar to Part 4, you will listen to a conversation and answer multiple-choice questions. The topics covered in this part are generally related to workplace scenarios.

Part 6: Listening to Viewpoints

Here, you will listen to several short recordings expressing different opinions on a particular topic. You will then answer multiple-choice questions that assess your ability to understand viewpoints.

Part 7: Listening for Information

You will listen to an audio recording providing information on a given topic. Multiple-choice questions and short answer questions will evaluate your comprehension of the details.

Part 8: Listening to a News Item

In this final part, you will listen to a news report and answer multiple-choice questions based on the information presented.

Section 2: Reading

The Reading section of the CELPIP General Test measures your ability to understand written English texts. It consists of approximately 55-60 minutes and includes various question types to evaluate your reading skills.

Part 1: Reading Correspondence

In this part, you will read and answer questions based on correspondence such as emails, notes, or messages.

Part 2: Reading to Apply a Diagram

You will be presented with a diagram or a labeled illustration. Your task is to read the associated text and answer questions about the diagram.

Part 3: Reading for Information

This part focuses on reading passages related to everyday situations, news, or advertisements. Multiple-choice questions will assess your understanding of the content. It’s really important to Improve Vocabulary for CELPIP Exam.

Part 4: Reading for Viewpoints

You will read short texts expressing different viewpoints on a particular topic. Multiple-choice questions will test your ability to identify these viewpoints accurately.

Part 5: Reading Comprehension

In this final part, you will read longer passages and answer multiple-choice questions that require a deeper understanding of the text.

Section 3: Writing

The Writing section of the CELPIP General Test evaluates your writing skills in English. It consists of two tasks that you must complete within 53-60 minutes.

Task 1: Writing an Email

You will be given a prompt and asked to write an email responding to a specific situation or request. Your task is to effectively convey information, opinions, or suggestions while maintaining proper email etiquette.

Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions

In this task, you will read a series of survey questions and provide written responses. Your answers should be concise, coherent, and demonstrate your ability to express opinions and ideas effectively.

Section 4: Speaking

The Speaking section of the CELPIP General Test assesses your ability to communicate verbally in English. It consists of approximately 15-20 minutes and is divided into eight parts.

Part 1: Giving Advice

You will be presented with a situation and asked to provide advice or suggestions. Your response should be well-structured and demonstrate your ability to express your thoughts clearly.

Part 2: Talking about a Personal Experience

In this part, you will narrate a personal experience based on a given topic. Your response should include relevant details and convey the sequence of events effectively.

Part 3: Describing an Object

You will be shown a picture of an object and asked to describe it in detail. Your response should cover various aspects such as appearance, function, and significance.

Part 4: Making Predictions

Based on a provided scenario, you will be asked to make predictions about possible future outcomes. Your response should demonstrate logical thinking and the ability to express your ideas convincingly.

Part 5: Comparing and Persuading

This part requires you to compare two options and express a preference while providing persuasive arguments. Your response should showcase your ability to structure your thoughts and present a coherent argument.

Part 6: Dealing with a Difficult Situation

You will be given a scenario where you need to handle a difficult situation effectively. Your response should demonstrate problem-solving skills and the ability to communicate diplomatically.

Part 7: Describing a Scene

In this part, you will describe a scene depicted in a picture. Your response should vividly convey the details and emotions associated with the scene.

Part 8: Expressing Opinions

You will be presented with a statement or question and asked to express your opinion. Your response should be well-supported with reasons and examples.

CAEL Test Format 

If you’re preparing to take the CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language) test, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will dive into the details of each section of the CAEL test, providing you with valuable insights and strategies to help you perform at your best.

What is the CAEL Test?

The CAEL test is a standardized English language proficiency exam designed to assess the language skills of non-native English speakers seeking admission to Canadian colleges and universities. It evaluates your ability to use English in an academic context and measures your proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Test Format

The CAEL test consists of four main sections: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Each section assesses a specific set of language skills. Let’s explore each section in detail:

Listening Section

The Listening section of the CAEL test evaluates your ability to understand spoken English in academic contexts. It consists of several parts, including short conversations, lectures, and academic discussions. During this section, you will be provided with headphones to listen to the audio recordings. Pay close attention to the details and take notes to help you answer the questions accurately.

Speaking Section

The Speaking section assesses your ability to effectively communicate in English. It consists of several tasks that measure your ability to express your thoughts, provide opinions, and engage in discussions. You will be prompted with various topics, and you’ll need to respond within a given timeframe. Be sure to articulate your ideas clearly and use appropriate vocabulary and grammar.

Reading Section

The Reading section of the CAEL test evaluates your reading comprehension skills. It includes a variety of texts, such as articles, essays, and passages from academic textbooks. You’ll be required to answer questions that assess your ability to understand the main ideas, identify supporting details, and make inferences from the given information. Develop effective skimming and scanning techniques to manage your time efficiently.

Writing Section

The Writing section assesses your ability to communicate in writing using appropriate English language conventions. It consists of various tasks, including summarizing information, expressing opinions, and writing an essay. Ensure that your writing is well-structured, coherent, and supported by relevant examples and evidence. Pay attention to grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure to convey your ideas effectively.

Test Preparation Tips

Preparing for the CAEL test requires dedicated effort and practice. Here are some useful tips to help you excel:

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Test Format

Become acquainted with the CAEL test format by reviewing sample questions and practice tests. Understanding the structure of the exam will help you feel more confident and comfortable on test day.

2. Build Your Vocabulary

Enhance your vocabulary by reading extensively in English. Make a habit of learning new words and understanding their meanings in different contexts. This will significantly improve your reading and writing skills.

3. Develop Your Listening Skills

Listen to a variety of English audio materials, such as podcasts, news broadcasts, and academic lectures. Practice understanding the main ideas and identifying supporting details. This will strengthen your listening comprehension abilities.

4. Practice Speaking Regularly

Engage in English conversations with native speakers or language partners to enhance your speaking skills. Focus on fluency, pronunciation, and accurate expression of ideas. Consider recording and reviewing your practice sessions to identify areas for improvement.

5. Read Academic Texts

Read academic articles, research papers, and textbooks to familiarize yourself with the type of content you may encounter in the CAEL test. Pay attention to the structure, arguments, and supporting evidence presented in the texts.

6. Master Time Management

Develop effective time management strategies to ensure that you can complete each section of the test within the allocated time. Practice working under time constraints to improve your efficiency and accuracy.

Summary on Test Formats of the new language tests:

  1. New Tests: CELPIP General, PTE Academic, TOEFL iBT, and CAEL
  2. CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language)
  3. CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program)
  4. PTE Academic exam
  5. TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based Test)
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